Legacy System
How to improve it?
SISWEBSOL is a legacy system responsible to handle internal tickets from all the company, but in special, to support the telemarketing operation.
To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I’ve omitted confidential information about it.
Things to consider
1. 38% os the tickets opened in November/21 was about loss of access into internal platforms
2. New’s user access and loss of it has the largest volume of tickets created.
3. Profile access changes also impact the daily operation.
My challenge
As a product designer and since it was a important but outdated platform, my role was to to improve the usability with the minimum development effort, by taking into account systemic limitations.
Heuristic analysis prove that there’s so much to improve!
What I’ve done
- Desk research and related research in company
- Interviews with users and stakeholders to know their pain points
- Teamwork with developers
Blueprint as is
I’ve mapped all the process in order to optimize how the system interact with the user and where we can improve it.
The struggles of the team
Interviewing the team responsible for the ticket handling, I was able to find some issues they were facing in their daily routines.
1. Huge amount of repetitive actions that could be automated
2. Each analyst handle the tickets on it's own, there’s no process about it.
3. They receive a lot of tickets with mistakes because the the users feel lost about how to fill the forms.
The User’s interview
I’ve conducted 11 interviews with the users responsible for over 42% of the tickets opened in the past 3 months.
The PO of the project was with me to assist and take notes during the interviews.
Average time: 20 minutes.
With all the info, we documented facts, patterns, behaviors and also insights in a matrix.
1. If we improve the access, with large active login window, for example, we can reduce the ticket’s about this issue.
2. Can we involve the managers in the process, attaching their bonus goals?
3. Automate the managers approvals.
4. Apply heuristics into the opening ticket form
(low complexity, more viable!)
Ideation phase
Sketch of the improved ticket form, with labeled inputs, guiding the user throughout the process.
After the ideation phase, presenting our findings to the stakeholders, I had a meeting with DEV team to discuss the changes we had to perform in the system to achieve our goals. At that time, I left the company but the project was already in their sprint backlog.